Strictly atomic modules in definable categories
Annals of Representation Theory, Volume 1 (2024) no. 2, pp. 299-334.

If 𝒟 is a definable category then it may contain no nonzero finitely presented objects but, by a result of Makkai, there is a lim -generating set of strictly 𝒟-atomic modules in 𝒟. These modules share some key properties with finitely presented modules.

We consider these modules in general and then in the case that 𝒟 is the category of modules of some fixed irrational slope over a tubular algebra.

Published online:
DOI: 10.5802/art.9
Classification: 03C60, 16D90, 16G20, 18E08, 18E10
Keywords: definable category, Mittag-Leffler module, atomic module, tubular algebra, definable closure
Prest, Mike 1

1 Department of Mathematics University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL (UK)
License: CC-BY 4.0
Copyrights: The authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights
     author = {Prest, Mike},
     title = {Strictly atomic modules in definable categories},
     journal = {Annals of Representation Theory},
     pages = {299--334},
     publisher = {The Publishers of ART},
     volume = {1},
     number = {2},
     year = {2024},
     doi = {10.5802/art.9},
     language = {en},
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AU  - Prest, Mike
TI  - Strictly atomic modules in definable categories
JO  - Annals of Representation Theory
PY  - 2024
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EP  - 334
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IS  - 2
PB  - The Publishers of ART
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DO  - 10.5802/art.9
LA  - en
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%T Strictly atomic modules in definable categories
%J Annals of Representation Theory
%D 2024
%P 299-334
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%I The Publishers of ART
%R 10.5802/art.9
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%F ART_2024__1_2_299_0
Prest, Mike. Strictly atomic modules in definable categories. Annals of Representation Theory, Volume 1 (2024) no. 2, pp. 299-334. doi : 10.5802/art.9.

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